Aug 20, 2010 08:39:51 PDT
Hello Rochelle Davis,
You sent a payment of $31.65 USD for the following items
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Shipping address - unconfirmed
Rochelle Davis
CCAS, 241 ICC Bldg, Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-0001
United States
Purchase 1: Transaction ID: 3T786975AL437354C
123backtolife Note to seller
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Shipping details
USPS First Class Mail
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Old UNITED NATIONS Poster-Bearing Real Fruit-Palestine+
Item# 120607145657 $14.00 USD 1 $14.00 USD
Shipping and handling $2.75 USD
Insurance - not offered ----
Total $16.75 USD
Payment $16.75 USD
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