Beilis Not Guilty - Jews Guilty

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Yiddish translation: In memory of the Beilis trial: Beilis not guilty, Jews guilty This postcard depicts "the Jewish people” shackled with a ball chain labeled “blood libel” and Tsar Nicholas II saying: Go, Mendel. You’re free! Rejoice with your American friends but I won’t waste any time in getting even for your acquittal with your left-behind Russian brothers. Source: YIVO (Yiddish Scientific Institute/Institute for Jewish Research)
Admin Notes

“In Memory of the Beilis Trial: Beilis Not Guilty, Jews Guilty.” Yiddish postcard. Artwork by Mitchel Loeb. Printed by Progress Publishing Company, New York, ca. 1913. The card depicts the “Jewish people” with a ball chain labeled “Blood Libel” and Tsar Nicholas II saying: “Go, Mendel. You’re free! Rejoice with your American friends but I won’t waste any time in getting even for your acquittal with your left-behind Russian brothers.” (YIVO) YIVO (Yiddish Scientific Institute/Institute for Jewish Research)

[ PPPA Contact Form Submission] Inbox X Reply Erik Pelton via to me show details 6:54 PM (6 minutes ago) Submitted on Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 23:54 Submitted by anonymous user: [] Submitted values are: Your name: Erik Pelton Your e-mail address: Subject: Mitchel Loeb posters Category: General question or comment Poster Upload: Message: Mitchel Loeb was my great grandfather. I am so pleased to see you have some of his work in your collection. Is there any way to order prints of the posters? Or even a high quality JPG or photo so that I could make a reproduction. My father would be thrilled if I was able to obtain one for him. I look forward to hearing from you, Thanks! The results of this submission may be viewed at: