Bezalel - School of Arts and Crafts

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Bezalel Jerusalem   Functional graphics Metal work Weaving and embroidery Drawing Painting Sculpture  Caligraphy Illustration  Art history  And night classes   Registration hours: 10-12 AM, Phone number 2940, P.O. Box 7064, Jerusalem   School of Arts and Crafts   ______________________________   Translation courtesy of Noga Malkin
Admin Notes

"New Bezalel" - Three Posters


"New Bezalel" - three illustrated posters. [1949-1956].
1. Advertisement poster for an exhibition of the "Bezalel" Applied Graphics Department graduates. "Ronald" cooperative printing press. Jerusalem, [1949]. 50X70 cm.
2. Illustrated poster with names of "Bezalel" departments, designed by a graduate of the school, Zila Menussi. "Merkaz" printing press, Jerusalem; Linol: Zvi Bergman Inst. 37X52.5 cm.
3. Invitation to the fiftieth anniversary of "Bezalel" exhibition, which took place in 1956. Printing was a donation of Orzel Ltd., Ramat-Gan, 1956. Design: Ophir Noah. 48.5X69 cm.
Condition varies (overall good condition).