P1030633 DWPO.2009.127 Blood Wedding 3rd Dimension Palestine Al Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque Palestine 2009 68.9 x 40.6 Theater, Lorca Black background, calligraphy below with red below it, text above and some below AlKasaba Theatre and Cinematheque - Ramallah/ Blood Wedding/ Written by: Federico Garcia Lorca, Adapted by: George Ibrahim, Directed by: Najib Ghilal/ Music and Composition: Habib Shahadah, Scenography: Ashraf Hanna, Lighting: Muaz Juba [top center, Arabic & English, with Kasaba logo]/ Blood Wedding [lower center, in Arabic]/ www. alkasaba.org [bottom center]/ Supported by/ EUROPEAN/ COMMISSION [LR, with logo]/. مسرح وسينماتك القصبة - رام الله\ تأليف: فيدريكو غارسيا لوركا, إعداد: جورج إبراهيم, إخراج: نجيب غلال\ موسيقى وألحان: حبيب شحادة, سينوغرافيا: أشرف حنا, إضاءة: معاذ الجعبة\ عرس الدم\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh
Begin forwarded message: From: Hosni Date: September 10, 2011 2:15:01 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: meen al dimension al thalath? 3D is a print house, don't know how are the designer, Actually they work as a team. Sent from my iPhone On Sep 10, 2011, at 2:18 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/blood-wedding