A Bond Is A Good Thing

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: (text at top) The first lottery National bond drive (text on paper) A bond is a good thing (bottom) 12th of April, 1949
Admin Notes


Top: The first lottery

national fund drive

On sheet of paper: A bond is a good thing

On right, small print: Shneor (name)

Bottom: 12th of April, 1949151 Popular Loan – Advertisement Poster 07. Posters
Poster for the first lottery of the Popular Loan on April 12 1949. A. Levin-Epstein printing press, Tel-Aviv 1949.
Design: Schneur. 98.5X68 cm. Good condition. Minor tears at borders. Folded.
Opening- $400http://www.kedem-auctions.com/en/auction-items/48455/07.%20Posters