Borders Borders Borders Borders

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: (large text at bottom) Independence Day Tarshat (text in four corners) Borders (this word is repeated over and over) _________________________ Translation courtesy of Noga Malkin
Admin Notes

Noga Malkin

Jul 13 (2 days ago)


to me





huh. it's something for Independance Day of tashkat (Hebrew year) which I think is 1968 though the English subtitle at the bottom of the poster says 1970 (weird). It doesn't say JNF anywhere, though I don't know who it is. It says it's made by Studio Perry. The only other word in the poster is the word Gvul which means border, and it's repeated over and over. There was recently an exhibition in the Ben Gurion airport actually of all these Independance Day posters from all the different years; not sure who puts them out. Don't see any artist signature unfortunately!