Boycott! The Art of Economic Activism - Spokane

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Boycotts can be effective.

A poster exhibit in the Phase 1 building at Spokane’s Washington State/Eastern Washington State campus illustrates how economic activism has worked over the years; from the Montgomery Bus Boycott in the 1950s, the anti-Apartheid movement of the 80s to today’s call by many organizations to boycott Israel.

The “Boycott! The Art of Economic Activism” display, which continues through Friday, is sponsored by the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane (PJALS).

“A lot of time when I talk to people about Israel and Palestine, if they’re sympathetic to the idea that the occupation is a bad idea and that there are human rights violations and violations of international law, their question is always ‘so what do we do about it?,’” said Taylor Weech, who serves on the Palestine/Israel Human Rights Committee for PJALS.

