Britain Plays With Fire!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:  (text in black box) The British Government expresses it sincerest felicitations to the Arab World for a Happy New Year Hebrew translation: (text in pasted-on slip - bottom two lines) From the Irgun: Britain plays with fire!! Remember the conspiracy!! Curator's note: The Arabic text in the black rectangle is printed backwards
Admin Notes

  YUM! MORE unsolicited Arabic homework for you! Inbox x       Dan Walsh  1:54 PM (20 hours ago)   to Rochelle   Does this text say what I wrote at the PPPA page?   I don't do calligraphy. Also of interest is that the original poster has the Arabic printed on  backwards.    Attachments area   Preview attachment PlaysWithFire_pppa.jpg     PlaysWithFire_pppa.jpg               Rochelle Davis 9:50 AM (43 minutes ago)   to me         Not exactly, and boy, that was a puzzle.    "The British Government expresses it sincerest felicitations to the Arab World for a Happy New Year"   To me, it seems like a cut and paste "oh we found some Arabic text"  -- doesn't really make sense.       Rochelle Davis 9:51 AM (42 minutes ago)   to me         I take that back -- sorry -- hit "send" too quickly.   This is a poster published by the British Govt (maybe?) to wish the Arab World a happy new year, and it says something else in the box ... And the Irgun pasted that small piece of paper over it ...      64 British Map of Eretz Israel – Pro-Arab – with an Etzel Note 02. Eretz Israel, British Mandate and Underground Movements, State of Israel Printed map of Eretz Israel, [1946-7]. Map of Eretz Israel with sites of mosques, a title in Arabic, Arab figures and space for integrating a calendar. A note on behalf of the Etzel is pasted to the map, explaining that the map was distributed by the British to the Arabs with a greeting: "Britain sends greeting to the new and liberated Arab nation", Etzel repleies: " Britain plays with Fire!!", "Remember the Conspiracy!!". 31X44.5 cm, good condition. Framed. Opening- $250 Sold for-$280