Build the Jewish Homeland Now - Authorized Agency

Admin Notes




Guide to the Mitchell Loeb Papers TAM.627

Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY, 10012
(212) 998-2630


Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive

Collection processed by Bonnie Gordon

This finding aid was produced using the Archivists' Toolkit on April 18, 2014 using Describing Archives: A Content Standard

 Revised by Erika Gottfried.  , April 2014

Historical/Biographical Note

Mitchell Loeb (1889-1968) was an artist and cartoonist whose work reflected his support for labor, liberal Democrats, and Isael. Loeb was born in Poland and came to the United States as a teenager. For a short period after World War I, Loeb was an artist for The Jewish Daily Forward and  The Jewish Day. After, he ran a commercial art studio in New York City.