Mitchell Loeb posters
Dan Walsh
5:34 PM (23 hours ago)
to erik
Hello Erik,
Some time ago we communicated about your grandfather's posters.
Have you learned any more about them since?
I have added some posters to his Special Collection under the rubrik "Attributed Only" because we are not sure if they are his works or not.
Maybe you know?
These works emerged from a time and place - NYC in the twenties - when he appears to have been active.
There are a number of different signatures for him and we wonder if you know if he ever signed his work with a simple capital "L"?
You can see this at high resolution here:
Dan Walsh/PPPA
Erik Pelton
4:12 PM (31 minutes ago)
to me
I have not obtained any additional information. Grateful for the details you have though!
Erik Pelton
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:34 PM
To: Erik Pelton
Subject: Mitchell Loeb posters