Palestine posters
Dan Walsh
7:06 PM (12 hours ago)
to dzik
Hello Dzikrullah,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending in those posters.
I have already posted one:
I will post the other two that you created tomorrow.
This poster was missing:
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
Artist/Graphic Designer:
Dzikrullah W. Pramudya
Intifada Month 2011
Text (Indonesian Language):
(Main Text) "O Masjidil Aqsa, How Dare I Ever Forget You..."
(Supporting Texts) Activities during the Intifada Month
Can you resend it?
You did a GREAT job with the data, artists' name, date, publisher, etc. I wish more people were like you!
Q: Were these posters all printed in large quantities? If yes, can you send us some copies? We place Palestine posters in prestigious museums, libraries and universities.
If you or Wiko have personal web sites PPPA is happy to add them.
in solidarity,
Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA
Dzikrullah W Pramudya
5:38 AM (1 hour ago)
to Wiko, me
Dear Dan,
No. You the one who does the GREAT GREAT GREAT job on the gallery. We thank you very much for the hard work collecting, maintaining, displaying such a large number of posters, ranging from the last century to today, focusing on one vital humanitarian issue.
You educate, entertain, and shocking people at the same time in an elegant way :)
Thanks again.
No Dan I don't have personal website displaying my art works. Graphic design is just a hobby. I'm far from professional in this field. Wiko is a pro artist in making. He is studying graphic design, and I will encourage him to make a more serious personal website.
(I cc-ed this to Wiko)
We published them in print, but I have to check with Sahabat Al-Aqsha if they can send you the copies.
Attached is the missing poster.
Thanks again, Dan. Keep up the great work.