The Call of the Land

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Palestine is a land of steadfastness  
Admin Notes

ya Kamal wa any ideas who took the photo? Dan
Dan Walsh 9:44 PM (13 hours ago)
Dear Dan, Thank you, i love this poster, it is one of my best, i was hoping t...
Kamal Boullata 2:16 AM (9 hours ago)
Dear Dan, The line drawing is certainly by Mona Saudi. The shot I do not know...
Vladimir Tamari 6:24 AM (4 hours ago)
It does look like Mona's style - why not ask her? See below or just click htt...
Dan Walsh 6:54 AM (4 hours ago)
the original email and suggestion that I write to you came from Mona. tadamon...
Mona Saudi
7:27 AM (3 hours ago)
to Kamal, vladimir, me
Dear Kamal..Vadimir san & Dan
yes , the line drawing is mine, i used the photo as background,
i think it is one of Hani photos,a fidaie is running through this landscape....
Vladimir Tamari
10:05 AM (1 hour ago)
to Mona, Kamal, me
olive trees...I remember that hani went on some guerrilla missions as a photographer - perhaps this was taken at such a timeDan Walsh
9:46 AM (1 hour ago)
to Mona
ya Mona,
I am in the process of reorganizing the entire PPPA and came across this poster.
The date on the poster is the original date of the Land Day massacre...
Was it also the date this poster was published?
Mona Saudi
10:38 AM (24 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Dan,
Thank you, i love this poster, it is one of my best, i was hoping to find any image of it..
i don't have any original, even not image of it...
yes the line drawing and the design are mine, but not the photo in the back ground,
which is a famous earlier photo,[might be by Hani Jawhareih, better to ask Vladimir or Kamal]
the poster was published by Unified information/PLO in 1979 to [commomorite] the Palestinian land day.
,that started in March 30 -1976....
***Do you have the posters published in /The Baghdad International Poster Exhibition 1979/,
i just have one copy of the exhibition book.,
Mona Saudi
7:27 AM (14 hours ago)
to Kamal, vladimir, me
Dear Kamal..Vadimir san & Dan
yes , the line drawing is mine, i used the photo as background,
i think it is one of Hani photos,a fidaie is running through this landscape....
Vladimir Tamari
10:05 AM (12 hours ago)
to Mona, Kamal, me
olive trees...I remember that hani went on some guerrilla missions as a photographer - perhaps this was taken at such a time