Can You Hear Us?

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
DECEMBER 18, 2023


I’m supporting Unmute Gaza because I’m a pacifist. I believe in solutions to disagreements that avoid violence. I stand with countless others demanding an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. We are an intelligent species capable of cooperation and solving problems without violence. The tragic events of the last nine weeks in Israel and Palestine have saddened and upset me. First, I was shocked by Hamas’s murdering and kidnapping of Israeli citizens on October 7. I have since been shocked by the indiscriminate bombing and disregard for human rights and human life in Gaza by the Israeli military in response to Hamas’s attack. The denial of water, electrical power, and basic necessities to Gaza’s citizens, as well as their mass displacement, has no moral justification. Within the complex conversation and histories between Israelis and Palestinians, one thing that has emerged very quickly to me is that the Western media is largely uninterested in giving equal coverage to the suffering in Gaza that has taken the lives of an estimated 18,000 Palestinian civilians, many who are women and children. There are many photojournalists working courageously in Gaza to shed light on the real human consequences of Israel’s offensive. I was inspired to work from Belal Khaled‘s photo of a young boy who is crying out in pain from his injuries as blood runs down his face. An image like this (and thousands of others) can strip away the superficial overlay of country, ethnicity, and religion and illuminate the basic human suffering that is happening in Gaza. I’m morally compelled to amplify the message of Belal’s photograph and his caption “CAN YOU HEAR US?”. Let’s hope that, for the sake of peace and humanity that, we can all hear and respond!



This print is available for free download on UNMUTE GAZA’s website to PRINT AND PASTE it in your city.

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Jan 26, 2024, 8:55 AM






to join.unmutegaza



Comrades All,

We salute your efforts with Unmute Gaza. We have 44 portrait/posters done in homage to murdered Palestinian journalists which were created by Australian artists. 

Would Unmute Gaza be interested in hosting them?

We have PDF's of all the posters and you can see some of them here:

We will be adding all 44 to the PPPA in low res. 

We are also going to archive all Unmute Gaza's posters and you can see some of them here:

Standing With Gaza,

Dan Walsh/PPPA


A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.

Jean Genet 

The Palestinians 




unmutegaza <>

Feb 23, 2024, 2:09 PM (11 hours ago)






to me



Hi Dan,

thanks a lot for your message and your interest in our movement! And sorry for the super late response, we are a very small team, and quite buried in messages ;)

We are happy about all initiatives which can spread the voice of photojournalists in Gaza and break the silence about the situation there.

Therefore, we can allow you to feature the UnmuteGaza prints on your website - you can download the prints from our Website if you wish - under the following specific conditions:

The only thing that is totally forbidden is any commercial use of the posters as we do not have the rights from the artists and photojournalists to such use. So no money can ever be involved.

 We also need you to mention all the credits of the artist and photojournalist on each of the featured images. 

Regarding the images that you already have published on your website, I have some comments and ask for some changes:

- the first display page: could you add our website as well as our insta handle? It might be also interesting to add our Manifesto, which you can find which can be found in "Info" in our website, so that potential viewers understand what the project is about, and can be encouraged to print and paste if the Gaza war is still raging.

- the posters: you have credited the artist and photojournalist, but when we click on the image, in the  "Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text " space, you copied/paste Shepard Fairey's words each time. Would you be kind enough to take this out for the prints which are not his, please? If you need to add something there, I suggest that you add again the UnmuteGaza Manifesto, and that you also add there the insta handles of the artists and the photojournalists.

- In situ images: we are not the owners of these images. The particular images you showed are from the Philadelphia action. We have permission to share the images for press, not for anything else. Please be kind to ask @artinadplaces if they are OK with it, and, in this case, you'll have to mention them as well as the photographer @lunapark. In the meantime, I would therefore ask that you suppress these images from your website. 

let me know if all this is good for you.

Thanks a lot in advance,

All the best,





El vie, 26 ene 2024 a las 14:56, PPPA (<>) escribió:

Comrades All,

We salute your efforts with Unmute Gaza. We have 44 portrait/posters done in homage to murdered Palestinian journalists which were created by Australian artists. 

Would Unmute Gaza be interested in hosting them?

We have PDF's of all the posters and you can see some of them here:

We will be adding all 44 to the PPPA in low res. 

We are also going to archive all Unmute Gaza's posters and you can see some of them here:

Standing With Gaza,

Dan Walsh/PPPA


A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.

Jean Genet 

The Palestinians