Jessica Michek and Andy Marimoto organized the technical preparation of this Special Collection
Dan Walsh
Jan 9
to amed
Forwarded conversation
Subject: Digital Special Collection/Prospective gift of posters to LOC
From: Dan Walsh
Date: Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 7:46 PM
To: "Blood, Katherine"
Hello Katherine,
Here is the url for a Special Collection outlining a prospective gift (not an offer to sell) of Palestine posters to the LOC:
This is a unique collection in a number of ways including that it does not duplicate any holdings in any public institutions, local or distant.
The "Tolerance" posters are a series and when considered in context form an integral whole. Moreover, these posters were not printed in large numbers and all are in excellent-to-mint condition. Each poster's page provides all relevant data asked for in the LOC "Acquisitions Offer/Proposal Process - Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division" you sent me earlier, including year, artist's name, publisher info, translations and dimensions,
The actual posters are on hand. It would be very convenient if the LOC acquisitions group could review this offer in the near future.
Thank you for your recent communications. I look forward to hearing from you.
Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA
Artistic tendency is the most mysterious of all, because one dedicates one’s whole life to it, without expecting anything in return. — Gabriel Garcia Márquez
From: Blood, Katherine
Date: Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:29 AM
To: Dan Walsh
Just acknowledging that your message came through and will consult with our graphics group at nearest opportunity. Best, Katherine
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:47 PM
To: Blood, Katherine
Subject: Digital Special Collection/Prospective gift of posters to LOC
From: Dan Walsh
Date: Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:35 AM
To: "Blood, Katherine"
Thank you, Katherine
Dan Walsh 8/23/12
Dear Ms. Blood, My name is Dan Walsh and I am the curator/archivist of the Pa...
Blood, Katherine
to me
Dear Mr. Walsh: Thank you so much for reaching out regarding hopeful placement of duplicate posters from your archive at the Library. I had a look at your website and the collection looks very impressive. I will copy the formal steps for offering works below but essentially we would ask for a list and images of works offered if possible. If this is not convenient, perhaps we could arrange a visit to have a look and talk further? With many thanks, Katherine Blood
Acquisitions Offer/Proposal Process - Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
Thank you for considering the Library as a good potential home for your collection or artwork/s. The Library's Prints and Photographs Division selectively acquires original prints, posters, drawings, and photographs by gift, purchase, or gift/purchase combination. The acquisitions group meets 2-3 times each year to present and consider potential acquisitions. Timing varies so please indicate any special time constraints. For purchase offers, proposal timing will depend on the availability of funds.
Requested Next Steps:
*Please start with a written offer by email ( ) or fax (202-707-6647) giving full descriptions of each work including artist, title, date, and medium. Please also include digital images if possible.
*Specify whether the works are offered for gift or purchase including price and any museum discount.
*IMPORTANT - do not mail originals, slides, or CDs/DVDs to avoid damage in security screening.
*Feel free to include (or point us to) information such as artist bio/résumé, statement, description of specific work/s, etc.
Note: The Library of Congress avoids duplicating prints already represented in local public collections e.g. National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian museums, Baltimore Museum of Art, etc.
New acquisitions are searchable through basic descriptions in the Prints & Photographs Division Online Catalog ( and freely accessible for on-site study by researchers ages 16 and older. The collections are also available for exhibit loan to cultural heritage institutions around the world. Creators retain their rights (unless they stipulate otherwise) and P&P makes guidance available to assist authors, publishers, and other researchers in conducting rights research (
Katherine Blood, Curator of Fine Prints
& poster acquisitions team contact
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division
Desk: 202.707.4622; Web:
Sakura: Cherry Blossoms as Living Symbols of Friendship (March 20–September 15, 2012)
More About Works of Art on Paper at the Library:
From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:39 PM
To: Blood, Katherine
Subject: The Palestine Poster Project Archives
Dan Walsh
to Catherine
I want letters of acceptance from like 15 really prestigious archives/libraries.
Already got two. Gonna post their official thank you's in and SpC.
Dan Walsh
to Catherine
Other European archives
Alexandria Library
Bir Zeit