Cette Terre Est La Notre

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Palestine is our homeland (Arabic) Palestine our homeland (English) This land is ours (French)
Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: Claude Lazarovici Date: April 9, 2010 5:20:04 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: where you there? I had this poster stuck on my wall for many years! but i haven't been to the projection in faculté de droit, i was based in faculté de Vincennes that was an experimental university very politicaly activ ,i start with palestine there at that time ,friends of mine did the movie l'olivier ,you have the poster in your inventory Le 9 avr. 2010 à 19:51, Dan Walsh a écrit : http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/camarades-palestiniens ya Claude, When I added this poster to the site today, I said to myself: "I bet Claude was there in 1971 at this cinema event" Were you? I am guessing it was in Paris and I am also guessing it was at the Faculte de Droites at some nearby university. Do you remember it? Of course, it could have been in many/any other French cities...the poster does not say. in solidarity, Dan

Begin forwarded message: From: Claude Lazarovici Date: April 4, 2010 12:25:50 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: poster Thank you a little bit of philosophy now When I did all these posters ,i didn't want to sign, because when you do that for your convictions you have to disappear behind, but with the time passing, when I look back , not only I don't regret the time passed to do it but I'm happy and proud I did it? it should be a pity to be an artist on that time and to missed those moments !!! I hope you understand sincerely CL

Hi Dan It' s a wonderful surprise to see this poster on your web site, I did it long time ago and i have no exemplar of it . I 'm a french artist ,and I was politically engage for freedom of the people of the world . In 1974 I met Ezzedine Kalak representative of Palestine in France, we became friends and he asked me to do many posters ,if you want I can send you some photos of them. I join you a picture of me with Leila Shahid( the envoy the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the European Commission in Brussel) behind one of my poster , in 2008 in Mons , Belgium, for a palestinian poster show . Congratulation for your work , it's just amazing what you did! if you need anything tell me I'll do my best to help you. Sincerely Claude Lazar claudelazar@online.fr www.claudelazar.com

claudelazar@online.fr Subject: Re: Question about a Palestine solidarity poster... Date: February 18, 2010 7:06:08 AM EST To: liberation@igc.orgHello Claude, My name is Dan Walsh... I am at Georgetown University writing my thesis on Palestinian poster art. You can view almost 2, 000 Palestine posters at my site: www.palestineposterproject.org I am writing to ask if you are the Claude Lazar who created this poster: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/cette-terre-est-la-notre If you are the artist, may I write to you with some questions about the poster? Many thanks, Dan

Begin forwarded message: From: jean claude matthey Date: June 17, 2010 1:17:12 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Palestine poster question... HELLO Dan a preferd speak in french good luck for you !! I have 1 blog affiches atelier des clots I have another affiche in m'y house I would like your post adresse m'y post adresse is Mr J.C MATTEY 43 rue des bonnets 38120 Saint EGREVE See tou later Jean Claude 2010/5/30 Dan Walsh Hello Jean-Claude, My name is Dan Walsh and I learned of atelier des clots from Claude Lazar. I have a site dedicated to the posters of Palestine: www.palestineposterproject.org Claude has a Special Collection at the site as well: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/category/special-collection/claude... Did atelier des clots do any other Palestine posters? Do you know of any other artists/collectives/organizations that are or were active publishing Palestine posters? I went through the poster gallery at your site...great graphics. Timeless! in solidarity, Dan Walsh