Children Complete

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Children complete in body and soul are the hope of the nation    
Admin Notes

"Donate to the Child's Fund", illustrated poster issued by the Hebrew Women's Organization. Jerusalem: Graphica Press, [1920s or 1930s]. Hebrew.

Poster soliciting donations for the Child's Fund of the Hebrew Women's Organization. Printed in green and orange; showing children dancing in a circle around a tree, under the slogan "Children Complete in Body and Soul are the Hope of the Nation".
The Hebrew Women's Organization was established in 1920 with the support of WIZO, and was active in Jerusalem as a charity organization assisting new immigrants, working and needy women, pregnant women, babies and children. It established kindergartens, summer camps and the Child's Fund for helping needy children. In 1933, the Hebrew Women's Organization merged with WIZO, forming the Zionist Women's Organization