P1030729 DWPO.2009.033 Children Learn from their Lives Al Bukhari Bahai Palestine Project to Integrate Civil Education in the Curriculum Palestine 2009 68.2 x 48.7 Children, education, curriculum, educational development Purple background with children in various activities around the perimeter, yellow rectangle at center containing Arabic text Children/ learn/ from their lives [top center]/ And I would give half of my life to he who/ makes a crying child/ laugh/ and I would give the second half to protect/ a green blossom/ from ruin/ (Tawfiq Zayyad)/ Center for Teacher Innovation and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education/ Project to Integrate Civil Education into the Curriculum/ Sponsored by the British Department for International Development DFID [center]/ Illustrations and design by the Artist Bahai al-Din Bukhari [LL]/. الأطفال\ يتعلمون\ من حياتهم\ وأعطي نصف عمري للذي\ يجعل طفلا باكيا\ يضحك\ وأعطي نصفه الثاني لأحمي\ زهرة خضراء\ أن تهلك\ (توفيق زياد)\ مركز إبداع المعلم ووزارة التربية والتعليم العالي\ مشروع إدماج مفاهيم التربية المدنية في الارشاد التعليمي\ بدعم من دائرة التنمية الدولية البريطانية\ رسومات وتصميم الفنان بهاء الدين البخاري\. Poster Horizontal fold across top of poster, two small creases at UL edge Arabic Dan Walsh
Children Learn From Their Lives
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
Children learn from their lives
And I would give half of my life to he who makes a crying child laugh
And I would give the second half to protect a green blossom from ruin
Tawfiq Ziad
Artist / Designer / Photographer
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Circa 2008
Special Collection
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
68.2 x 48.7 cm
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