Completely Mistaken Zionist Idea

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (white text at very top) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (text on right side of poster) Lenin said: The idea of a Jewish nation is a completely mistaken Zionist idea and reactionary in its essence No power to any revolution except one that can defend itself well (text over portrait) The one hundredth anniversary of Lenin's birth (text under portrait) Leader of the Great October Revolution - 1917
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About this Item

34,5 x 49,5 cm, red on white paper / rouge sur papier blanc. Traces of sticky paper and staple holes at the corners, 10 cm tear at the left edge, small lack at the right corners, otherwise good condition (slight dark traces on photo areshadows) / Traces de papier collant et trous d agrafe aux coins, déchirure de 10 cm au bord gauche, petit manque aux coins droits, sinon bon état (les traces légèrement sombres sur la photo sont des ombres). EXTREMELY RARE / EXTRÊMEMENT RARE. / Palestine. Lenin. Lénine. Communism. Communisme.(P235). Seller Inventory # 19060

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