For Continuous Struggle

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Arafat and Castro A pledge for continuous struggle against imperialism and world Zionism
Admin Notes

No. 59 in The Palestinian Poster


About this Item

57 x 43,5 cm, six colours/couleurs. Slight creasing to left and right edges, else fine / Légers plis aux bords gauche et droit, sinon excellent état. EXTREMELY SCARCE / EXTRÊMEMENT RARE. At Havana airport, Fidel Castro welcomes Yasser Arafat, who arrived on an Air Algérie plane / A l aéroport de La Havane, Fidel Castro accueille Yasser Arafat, arrivé par un avion d Air Algérie. / Palestine. Cuba. (P216). Seller Inventory # 18959


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