Another version of this poster may be viewed here ------------------------ Comrade... Inbox x PPPA Attachments 9:13 PM (2 hours ago) to Claude Dear Claude, These are trying days...I hope you and yours are keeping safe. I and mine are...self-isolating and looking for some normalcy with work. Do you recognize this poster? The auction house site where I found it said "France, Mai 1968" ... maybe you recognize the artist? In the attachment can you tell me what the French word after "Imp" (which I know is printer) but I think it is a radical/political statement, oui? Be well. Be safe. fraternally, Dan -- A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution. Jean Genet (1970) Attachments area claude Lazarovici 11:46 PM (5 minutes ago) to me Every thing is OK for us we are confined but for us it’s not a big deal , we pass our life in our studio painting .but I’m worried for the humanity!!! All my life I’ve painted empty streets of town to prevent what’s could arrive if we go on blind and greedy . And now it’s happens !!! For the poster « Imp » is imprimerie that’s printer exactly! and after it’s CENSIER that’s the university . but it’s not in 68 but between 70-72 It’s a serigraphy from « comité de soutien Palestine » a group of support of « la gauche Prolétarienne » ( GP) the print is more sofiticated than in 68. Take care and stay home as long as you can Vinceremos !!! CL