Cover Him!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him! (Yeshayahu 58:7) Bring clothes to “Social Welfare” of Haifa Community Committee Phone: 4544 21 Jerusalem Street ______________________ Translation courtesy of Leena Dallasheh
Admin Notes

2) "when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him" (Yeshayahu 58:7) Bring Clothes to “Social Welfare” of Haifa Community Committee Phone: 4544 21 Jerusalem Street RainingGirl_SIGN.jpg : Avilin Yoel

Leena Dallasheh 9:38 AM (1 hour ago) to me 1) Q: Is the name "Avilin Yoel" hyphenated in the poster...ya'ni it is two names or one? à Yes- hyphenated Avilin-Yoel PS: you asked me about good references for biblical quotes...I was raised Catholic which means I know NOTHING about the bible, biblical stuff, etc. I love that you seem to know a lot about it and that knowledge enriches the site so much. àLOL! {a. I had to study Jewish bible in high schood, b. I had to study Jewish law at the university, c. there is a certain structure/words that always makes me suspect it might be bible so I google it! :) }