Dan Walsh Oct 30 (8 days ago) to artal.noemi, Brinkley http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-muestra-de-cine-palestino... (please note new url) Hello Noemi, Thanks for your note. Here is a note I sent to cearabe@uchile.cl before I learned that Brinkley had written to you: Dear Friends, Can you help us with some questions we have about this poster? http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/i-muestra-de-cine-palestino... We would like to know: 1) Who is the artist? (if he/she has a web site we will gladly add it) 2) Can you send us (10) copies of this poster for our "Palestine Posters In Museums" program. See our FAQ's for more info on this. 3) Can you send us a better/bigger jpeg? 4) Dimensions Gracias! en solidaridad, Dan Walsh/PPPA Send to: Rochelle Davis, Assoc. Professor Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS) Georgetown University 241 ICC Bldg Washington DC 20057-1020 USA Noemí Artal Nov 6 (1 day ago) to me, Brinkley Hi Dan, 1) Who is the artist? Alvaro Leon Rodríguez Website: www.keloide.net. Please notice that the poster was first published for first edition of Madrid Palestine Film Festival in 2010: http://handalaminpalestina.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/cartel9-paraprint... After that, it was used for Caracas PFF in 2011 (first edition) and in Santiago in 2014. 2) Can you send us (10) copies of this poster for our "Palestine Posters In Museums" program. We do not have 10 copies of the poster. Brink, maybe Karen has some left in Santiago or may be able to print them out. 3) Can you send us a better/bigger jpeg? Please, find attached copy. Is that ok? 4) Dimensions 100x70 cm. The one for Madrid PFF. 50x35cm. The one for Santiago PFF. Please, note that Madrid PFF has other nice posters as well: 2011 and 2012 by same artist, and 2013 by Miguel Angel Sainero. Dimensions: 100x70 cm. We do not have extra printed copies of them. MPFF 2011: http://muestracinepalestino.com/mcp/mcp-de-madrid-2011/info-para-prensa/ MPFF 2012: http://handalaminpalestina.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/cartel_mcpm2012_w... MPFF 2013: http://handalaminpalestina.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/cartel_mcpm2013_l... MPFF 2014: https://handalaminpalestina.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/cartel-mcpm2014_... Best regards, noemí
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