Submitted on October 01, 2010 Submitted by anonymous user: [] Submitted values are: Your name: Alexander J Your e-mail address: Subject: Translations Category: General question or comment Poster Upload: Message: Some more translations: Palestine - Palestine ( Large text reads "Palestine" Text alongside the rifle reads "We are opposed to them (Zionists), and our opposition is because they are opposed to all religions. -Imam Khomeini" Bottom text reads "On your soil, martyrdom is a daily fact of life." Brother Abu Ammar Fell Like You Are Home [your title contains a typo, "Fell" should be "Feel"] The image in the upper left is the logo of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, which is what the text below it says ("People's Mujahedin of Iran"). [The PMOI is a terrorist cult that engages in indiscriminate attacks on civilians, aided Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war, and brainwashes its members a la Jim Jones. They are about as popular in Iran today as al-Qaeda is in America, although they had more support before/during the 1979 revolution.] The order of the bottom text goes Persian, then English, then Arabic. They all say basically the same thing: Persian: "Brother Abu Ammar, feel as if you are in your homeland" (another translation could be "Brother Abu Ammar, know that you are in your homeland" English Arabic: "My brother Abu Ammar, you are now in your homeland" [The Arabic sentence, while correct, is very simple and clearly written by Iranians who had only learned Arabic in school] I wish I knew enough Hebrew to help with those translations! Solidarity, Alexander J
A Daily Fact of Life
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Farsi translation: (large text) Palestine
(text alongside rifle)
We are opposed to them (Zionists), and our opposition is because they are opposed to all religions - Imam Khomeini
(text at bottom)
On your soil, (Palestine) martyrdom is a daily fact of life
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