Damascus - A Play By David Greig

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Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio  
Admin Notes

P1030753 DWPO.2009.009 Damascus, a play Al Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque Palestine 2009 2009 67.7 x 47.8 Performance, play, flowers A hand reaching for Jasmine flowers from the window of a cement enclosing, text above, below and right, logos above BRITISH COUNCIL/ 75/ YEARS OF/ CULTURAL/ RELATIONS/ The Palestinian Authority/ Ministry of Culture/ Jerusalem/ Capital of Arab Culture/ al-QUDS/ 2009/ TRAVERSE THEATRE/ SCOTLAND'S NEW WRITING THEATRE [top with logos]/ DAMASCUS/ A play by David Greig [UL]/ Al-Kasaba Theatre and/ Cinematheque/ Ramallah/ 09 April, 2009, 2:00 p.m./ 11 April, 2009, 7:00 p.m./ Arabic Subtitles [right side of poster, Arabic & English]/ Damascus/ A Play by David Greig [LR, in Arabic]/ www.britishcouncil.org/ps [LL]/. القدس\ عاصمة الثقافة العربية\ السلطة الفلسطينية\ وزارة الثقافة\ مسرح وسينماتك القصبة\ رام الله\ 09 نيسان, الساعة الثانية\ 11 نيسان, الساعة السابعة مساء\ ترجمة عربية\ دمشق\ مسرحية من تأليف ديفيد غريغ\. Poster Tiny crease at LL corner Arabic English Dan Walsh