David and Grand

Admin Notes

please confirm...

Dan Walsh
8:48 PM (13 hours ago)

to Yoram

at this site the poster
King David and Grandson

is credited to Shamir Bros.

1) The signature seems ... well...VERY different from their usual monogram

2) The style/content also seems like a departure

Of course, they may just have been having fun which is OK too.

Yoram E. Shamir yoshamir@zahav.net.il
2:41 AM (7 hours ago)

to me
Yes, it is Shamir. One of two commissioned by Shohar Printing Company at Beit Herut. The company ordered posters from artists and marketed them in Israel and the US. These are not advertising or propaganda poster – just works of art. The payment to the artist was few copies of the poster.The printing technique was silk screen.
I was told by the archivist of Beit Herut that all in all they produced 500 posters. Unfortunately there is no complete collection. The heirs of the founder have some.

From: Dan Walsh [mailto:ppparchives@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 4:48 AM
To: Yoram E. Shamir
Subject: please confirm...