Forwarded conversation Subject: Vladimir Tamari's poster The State of Palestine - Intifada ------------------------ From: Vladimir Tamari Date: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:11 PM To: Dan Walsh Cc: Mona Tamari Dan Law Samaht - another addition to the Tamari poster canon. I think that completes the set of the ones printed in Japan. Maybe. The attached are in three sizes as in their titles - 120px thumbnail, 720px normal display and a higher resolution one without pixel size indicated. Below are the particulars and an artist's statement. Mneeh? Tayyeb habiby shukran!! Vladimir ================== Vladimir Tamari Declaration of State of Palestine - Intifada poster 81 x 59 cm signed in Arabic 15 Nov 1988. Published by The Palestine Liberation Organization office in Tokyo. Artist's Statement January 26, 2013 "I made this poster shortly after the 'original' declaration of the State of Palestine by Yasser Arafat in celebration, but signed it Nov. 15 1988, backdated to the the actual date of the declaration.The poster was printed from my painting in gouache and gold foil on paper. Half in genuine admiration and half in an ironical affectionate sense, it gathers all the symbolic cliches of the Palestine Revolution: The flag, an image of the leader PLO Arafat, the words "State of Palestine" in Arabic, the stone, the kaffiyyeh (headscarf), the Dove of Peace holding the olive branch (with the words Ya Allah inscribed in it) the steadfast eyes, an architectural rendition of the Dome of the Rock, itself a symbol of Arab Jerusalem. The hand upraised in the V sign for Victory (another irony since the gesture was invented by Winston Churchill during WWII, by the leader of the British Empire that signed off Palestine to the Zionists). The blood on the hand is a reference to the crucifixion of Christ. I drew the white architectural lines using the Perspector , a mechanical instrument of my own invention and construction. In the background in violet shadows is the word Al-Intifada" - The Uprising, and a pseudo-dictionary definition (which has since become a fact) of the new word now known around the word. When the late Edward Said, a family friend, visited us in Tokyo and saw the poster he disliked it on sight, perhaps because of his well-known political objections to the course the PLO was taking in the 1990's. Sadly the promise of the struggle has yet to be fulfilled in an actual independent Palestinian State free of Israeli settlements and occupation". _________________________________ Vladimir Tamari typography: ---------- From: Dan Walsh Date: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:34 PM To: Vladimir Tamari rafeeqi, 1) let me know if I got this all correct. I will make any edits/changes you want. 2) are you the publisher or did the PLO office in Tokyo print it up. Yani, do you have any print copies? 3) what was the "original" date of Arafat's declaration if not 1988? tadamon, Dan -- Artistic tendency is the most mysterious of all, because one dedicates one’s whole life to it, without expecting anything in return. — Gabriel Garcia Márquez Mask no difficulties, mistakes or failures. Claim no easy victories. — Amilcar Cabral ---------- From: Vladimir Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 3:47 AM To: Dan Walsh Rafiq Masirat Alhurriyya Dan Thank you so much it seems fine. Please change the "leader PLO" To "the PLO leader". You can rephrase the introductory sentence concerning the date: On Nov 15 1988 Arafat declared the State of Palestine. in a text coauthored by M Darwish . I meant the original in relation to Abbass' recent UN declaration. see: The painting must have been made in the dollowing weeks (?) it was published by the Tokyo PLO office as far as I remember and printed in Japan Yes I have copies I want to send you a bunch of posters to which address? Q. Do you know a reputable hig-quality giclee printer that has an online ordering service and delivers worldwide? Q. I am curious about your own history and views for example the Irish troubles - perhaps that gave you a special perspective about our own troubles? Cheers Vlado ---------- From: Dan Walsh Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 4:08 AM To: Vladimir habeeby, Re-write the text exactly as you wish it and I will copy and paste it in, tayyib? My mailing address: Walsh Box 2863 Silver Spring, MD 20915 USA I know of no glicee printers but look up "Short Runs" for online printing that seems quite reputable. Probably on some subconscious level my Irish heritage did sensitize me to the struggle of Palestine. In my house the English were NEVER called "English"...they were always and only "fucking limeys". Dan ---------- From: Vladimir Tamari Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 5:21 AM To: Dan Walsh Dan here is the revised statement: Artist's Statement January 26, 2013 "In celebration, I made this poster shortly after the 'original' declaration of the State of Palestine by Yasser Arafat on Nov. 15 1988 and signed it with that date. The poster was printed from my painting in gouache and gold foil on paper. In an ironical affectionate sense, it serves up all the symbolic cliches used by the Palestine Revolution to define itself: The flag, an image of the PLO leader Yasser Arafat, the words "State of Palestine" in Arabic, the stone, the kaffiyyeh (headscarf), the Dove of Peace holding the olive branch (with the words Ya Allah inscribed in it) the steadfast eyes, the Dome of the Rock, itself a symbol of Arab Jerusalem. The hand upraised in the V sign for Victory (another irony since the gesture was invented by Winston Churchill during WWII, by the leader of the British Empire that signed off Palestine to the Zionists.) The blood on the hand is a reference to the crucifixion of Christ, in Jerusalem. I drew the white architectural lines of the Dome using the Perspector , a mechanical instrument of my own invention and construction. In the background in violet shadows is the word "Al-Intifada" writ large,The Uprising, and a pseudo-dictionary definition (which has since become a fact) of the new word now known around the world. When the late Edward Said, a family friend, visited us in Tokyo and saw the poster he disliked it on sight, perhaps because of his well-known political objections to the unrewarded concessions the PLO made in the 1990's. Sadly, despite the 2012 UN vote to accept Palestine at the UN, our struggle has yet to result in an actual independent Palestinian State free of Israeli settlements and military occupation". _________________________________ Vladimir Tamari typography: ---------- From: Vladimir Tamari Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 5:22 AM To: Dan Walsh Thanks Dan I will check out the printing site. Haha the fucking limeys got their name from the lime given to English sailors to prevent scurvy Now the British have given Palestine a century (and counting) of political and existential scurvy! _________________________________ Vladimir Tamari typography: ---------- From: Vladimir Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 8:55 AM To: Dan Walsh Azizi Dan Mona and Jorge were very happy with their visits and loved meeting you and daughter and granddaughter Valentina. Are you still in CA? BTW it still says its my design here: does it have to appear with my thumbnails? Shukran Vladimir ---------- From: Dan Walsh Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 11:59 AM To: Vladimir brother I don't understand this comment: "BTW it still says its my design here: does it have to appear with my thumbnails?" use LITTLE words with me...I am Irish, remember? Explain the issue in detail and I will accommodate you if possible. Akeed. Dan PS: I am home now, in Maryland. Also soon a package will arrive to you there from me. I will mail it next week. ---------- From: Vladimir Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 6:50 PM To: Dan Walsh Yo Dan No prob (small words so far) 1- on this page I am not the artist/designer/ photographer: Designer unknown. 2- on this page if possible please remove the bottom entry thumbnail referring to above item (health poster with red band across the bottom). Thank you brother Vladimir ---------- From: Dan Walsh Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 6:58 PM To: Vladimir On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Vladimir wrote: Yo Dan No prob (small words so far) 1- on this page I am not the artist/designer/ photographer: Designer unknown. But i thought we already had this discussion. I thought I "carbonized" you about this poster. I am completely confused however I will remove your name and also take it out of your SpC. Tayyib? Check them both in about ten minutes and tell me if I understood/executed things correctly. Dan 2- on this page if possible please remove the bottom entry thumbnail referring to above item (health poster with red band across the bottom). Thank you brother Vladimir On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:59 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: brother I don't understand this comment: "BTW it still says its my design here: does it have to appear with my thumbnails?" use LITTLE words with me...I am Irish, remember? Explain the issue in detail and I will accommodate you if possible. Akeed. Dan PS: I am home now, in Maryland. Also soon a package will arrive to you there from me. I will mail it next week.
Declaration of the State of Palestine
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Artist's Statement
January 26, 2013
In celebration, I made this poster shortly after the "original" declaration of the State of Palestine by Yasser Arafat on Nov. 15, 1988 and signed it with that date. The poster was printed from my painting in gouache and gold foil on paper.
In an ironic, affectionate sense it serves up all the symbolic cliches used by the Palestine revolution to define itself: the flag; an image of the PLO leader Yasser Arafat; the words "State of Palestine" in Arabic; the stone; the kaffiyeh (headscarf); the dove of peace holding the olive branch with the Arabic words "ya Allah" inscribed in it (this term translates colloquially as "let's go" and more literally, "Oh god!", as an intercession for help, an expression of wonder and also as a short prayer of praise.) Also featured are the steadfast eyes and the Dome of the Rock, itself a symbol of Arab Jerusalem. The hand upraised in the V sign for victory (another irony since the gesture was invented by Winston Churchill during WWII, the leader of the British empire that signed off Palestine to the Zionists.) The blood on the hand is a reference to the crucifixion of Christ, in Jerusalem.
I drew the white architectural lines of the Dome of the Rock using the Perspector, a mechanical instrument of my own invention and construction. In the background in violet shadows is the word "Al-Intifada" (Arabic: the uprising) writ large, and a pseudo-dictionary definition (which has since become a fact) of the new word now known around the world.
When the late Edward Said, a family friend, visited us in Tokyo and saw the poster he disliked it on sight, perhaps because of his well-known political objections to the unrewarded concessions the PLO made in the 1990's. Sadly, despite the 2012 UN vote to accept Palestine at the UN our struggle has yet to result in an actual independent Palestinian state free of Israeli settlements and military occupation.
Vladimir Tamari
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Special Collection
Published In
Status / Acquisition Goals
The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
81 x 59 cm
Admin Notes