Lot 104: KAUFFMAN (DATES UNKNOWN). [DEFEND YOUR HOMELAND / ENLIST.] 1942. 38x26 inches, 96x66 cm. Auction House: Swann Auction GalleriesAuction Location: New York, NY, USA + Show Location DetailsAuction Title: VINTAGE POSTERSAuction Date: February 8, 2011Description: KAUFFMAN (DATES UNKNOWN) [DEFEND YOUR HOMELAND / ENLIST.] 1942. 38x26 1/4 inches, 96 1/2x66 1/2 cm. Condition B+: repaired tears and restoration at edges; minor restoration in image. "Members of the Jewish community in the Land of Israel were urged to enlist in the British armed forces. In 1942, German troops commanded by Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel advanced into Egypt. The threat this presented to the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel sparked appeals for mass enlistment into the British forces defending the Middle East" (Images of a State in the Making, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Exhibition 1997).
Members of the Jewish community in the Land of Israel were urged to enlist in the British armed forces. In 1942, German troops commanded by Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel advanced into Egypt. The threat this presented to the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel sparked appeals for mass enlistment into the British forces defending the Middle East. (World War II)