Curator's note:
This poster is part of a student project done by the artist in 2012 while he was a student at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design
The design challenge was to create materials that would make it less frightening for children to wear gas masks
The project was called "Robomode" and you may view all the related items the artist designed for the project here
Hello Yaniv,
Someone sent in a jpeg of your Robomode poster and we have added it to the PPPA:
This is a visually breathtaking poster as well as being almost impossibly intriguing.
I love it.
I would like to understand it better. Would you care to write a analysis - your own of course - and we will publish it at the above page.
I am assuming it is quoting Carlos Latuff's famous 2009 poster:
Are there really Robomode Chemica Kits? Is this a political satire/parody?
mad respect,
Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA
יניב כהן
4:07 AM (46 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Dan,
Nice to E-met you.
Glad you loved the poster
The Robobmode poster is part of design project in Shenkar College from 2012. You can see more details of the project here :
This project trying to reduce the fear of wearing gas masks for children in a war situation. And have a various of other games and toys to do so.
The project dosn't have any political agenda or trying to reffer to another political poster. Just tried to remove the fear from childrens in a war situation all across the globe.
Their are no really robomode kits to this time.
Thank you for your intrest.