Begin forwarded message:
From: plakate
Date: April 2, 2012 4:03:05 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Fwd: Inquiry
Hi Dan,
Schwarze Risse-bookshop forwarded your mail.
I'm one of the authors of 2 books on posters of the german autonomous
left, published 10, 12 years ago. (Both are out of print.)
We documented about 6.000 Posters, you can find them here:
Try "Suche" and "Schlagwörter": "Naher Osten" (Middle East) and you will
find nearly 200 Posters on Palestine, Israel and so on. In general, we
don't know much about the artists or political groups which produced the
posters. All informations we have you find in the Database.
Good night from Berlin,
Klaus, HKS 13
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Inquiry
Datum: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 18:05:42 -0400
Von: Dan Walsh
I am hoping you are the publisher of one or both of these books:
Hoch die Kampf dem
20 Jahre Plakate autonomer Bewegungen
Verlag Libertäre Assoziation
ISBN 3-922611-73-7
Vorwärts bis zum Nieder mit
30 Jahre Plakate unkontrollierter bewegungen
HKS 13
Assoziation a
ISBN 3-935936-05-2
My information is third-hand so please excuse me if I am completely
wrong with this inquiry. If you are the publisher I am trying to learn
all I can about these posters - who is the artist, what is the content,
dates, context, etc.
Thank you,
Dan Walsh
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