Derry Women

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Curator's note: This poster is a remix of an original by Granate Sosnoff which may be viewed here.

Admin Notes

Colm Bryce to me show details 10:06 PM (11 hours ago) Dan, That's great. Really glad you got in touch. Sorry it was so difficult. Messages have been sent out. Word will come back. We are all with you. Lots of love and solidarity, Colm

Begin forwarded message: From: "" Date: August 4, 2011 11:02:19 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Hello Ann...message from the Palestine Poster Project Archives... Hello Dan, I passed your last email to Davy McCauley,of The Socialist Workers Party,I think they organised the gig.I also forwarded most recent email to Joe Mulheron,owner of the bar,he's very interested in your posters.Don't know if youve ever visited Derry Or Sandinos,but you're right ,there is a lot going on here,a lot of good people making an effort.Im sure Davy can give you a few more contacts if needed.Nice to hear from you,anything else we can do ,just get in touch, Ann On 04 August 2011 at 12:10 Dan Walsh wrote: > Hello Again Ann, > > Thank you for taking the time to reply. > > I just added another Palestine poster related to Sandino's: > > > > Sandino's must be the hottest, poppin'-est place in Derry for Palestine solidarity! Good for you...good for Palestine! > > I tried to write to the DWAC but all their emails came back as "undeliverable". Maybe you can forward my message below or give it to one of the DWAC folks when they pop in for a pint? > > On another issue, I want to offer to send you some Sandino posters. Some years ago my company, Liberation Graphics, printed up some posters for the Sandinistas (they were in power and controlled the embassy here in the US). The image is (somewhat) viewable in this link: > > > > The poster is called "Sandino and His Officers" by Armando Morales who you may well know, is a famous Nicaraguan painter. > > Would you like to have them? IF I CAN FIND THEM...I probably have 50-100 copies. You could sell them at Sandino's and use the money for solidarity or whatever. > > Let me know. > > in solidarity, > > Dan can give you> > This is the message I sent to DWAC without luck: > > > > DAWC poster now at the Palestine Poster Project Archives site... Inbox X Reply Dan Walsh to admin show details 4:32 PM (0 minutes ago) Brother Colm, I am the archivist of the Palestine Poster Project Archives (and I'm Irish too!) I am writing to learn if you can send me ten copies of the above DAWC poster. I am attaching a brief text explaining why we are asking for printed/on-paper posters. If you have a clean jpeg of this poster (which was originally created by Granate Sosnoff for Jewish Voices of Peace in San Francisco) that would be lovely to receive as well. I will send a copy to Granate...she will love it. Send us any/all other posters/poster jpegs and we will add them all the the PPPA with your links. We are happy to pay for postage/shipping. in solidarity, Dan Walsh ----- Why We Ask For Print Copies of Posters The PPPA asks for printed copies of posters for a number of reasons, including to: 1) Place copies in major museums, university collections, national archives and other art preservation and cultural heritage sites 2) Legitimate the genre 3) Validate, for research purposes, that the poster has been printed 4) Preservation/Conservation The PPPA regularly presents duplicate copies of its Palestine posters to: Georgetown University’s Special Collections Library; the Library of Congress; the Middle East Library at Columbia University and a host of other institutions. The PPPA has also exchanged posters with the Jafet Library at the American University of Beirut, the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and the Museum of Design Zurich. We are seeking to expand the universe of institutions that house/exhibit Palestine posters and if you know of any that might be interested please let us know via the Contact form at the PPPA site. > On Aug 3, 2011, at 8:33 AM, wrote: > > Hello Dan, > > I don't have a copy of that poster,but I will forward your email to the guys who organised the gig and hopefully they can help ,good luck, > > Ann > > On 01 August 2011 at 21:10 Dan Walsh wrote: > > > > > > > > Hello Ann, > > > I am the archivist of the PPPA and I am writing about the above poster from a fund-raiser at Sandino's in 2009. > > > > > > Do you have any copies left? If yes, would you consider sending them to us? We think its an important piece of contemporary Palestinian-Irish history and we would like to include it in the permanent Archives. > > > > > > in solidarity, > > > > > > Dan Walsh > > > > > > Why We Ask For Print Copies of Posters > > > > > > > > > > > > The PPPA asks for printed copies of posters for a number of reasons, including to: > > > > > > > > > > > > 1) Place copies in major museums, university collections, national archives and other art preservation and cultural heritage sites > > > > > > > > > > > > 2) Legitimate the genre > > > > > > > > > > > > 3) Validate, for research purposes, that the poster has been printed > > > 4) Preservation/Conservation > > > The PPPA regularly presents duplicate copies of its Palestine posters to: Georgetown University’s Special Collections Library; the Library of Congress; the Middle East Library at Columbia University and a host of other institutions. The PPPA has also exchanged posters with the Jafet Library at the American University of Beirut, the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and the Museum of Design Zurich. We are seeking to expand the universe of institutions that house/exhibit Palestine posters and if you know of any that might be interested please let us know via the Contact form at the PPPA site.

DAWC poster now at the Palestine Poster Project Archives site... Inbox X Reply Dan Walsh to admin show details 4:32 PM (0 minutes ago) Brother Colm, I am the archivist of the Palestine Poster Project Archives (and I'm Irish too!) I am writing to learn if you can send me ten copies of the above DAWC poster. I am attaching a brief text explaining why we are asking for printed/on-paper posters. If you have a clean jpeg of this poster (which was originally created by Granate Sosnoff for Jewish Voices of Peace in San Francisco) that would be lovely to receive as well. I will send a copy to Granate...she will love it. Send us any/all other posters/poster jpegs and we will add them all the the PPPA with your links. We are happy to pay for postage/shipping. in solidarity, Dan Walsh ----- Why We Ask For Print Copies of Posters The PPPA asks for printed copies of posters for a number of reasons, including to: 1) Place copies in major museums, university collections, national archives and other art preservation and cultural heritage sites 2) Legitimate the genre 3) Validate, for research purposes, that the poster has been printed 4) Preservation/Conservation The PPPA regularly presents duplicate copies of its Palestine posters to: Georgetown University’s Special Collections Library; the Library of Congress; the Middle East Library at Columbia University and a host of other institutions. The PPPA has also exchanged posters with the Jafet Library at the American University of Beirut, the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and the Museum of Design Zurich. We are seeking to expand the universe of institutions that house/exhibit Palestine posters and if you know of any that might be interested please let us know via the Contact form at the PPPA site.