Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Russian translation:
(Israeli soldier) We are for direct contact with Arabs Curator's note: This caption appears to be a darkly euphemistic use of the term "direct contact" which was a central slogan in the Palestine Liberation Organization's political campaign to get the government of Israel to engage with the Palestinians "directly" during the 1970's and 1980's. The inference is that the soldier has just executed the two figures laying on the ground in the background and he is now about to have more "direct contact with Arabs", by bayonetting or shooting the Palestinian man in the foreground. (Caption in lower right corner) Everyone remembers the cursed years when the fascists (Nazis) were in power, but in Tel-Aviv it's like they've forgotten how that aggression ended up _________________________________Translation courtesy of Colleen Wood
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Special Collection
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Status / Acquisition Goals
The PPPA has only the low resolution digital version of this poster featured
The PPPA seeks more information on this artist/poster/graphic/publisher
The PPPA is interested in acquiring an original copy of this poster via trade
22 1/4" x 16 7/8"