Don’t Buy On the Black Market!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Don’t give a helping hand to the hand that is raised against you! Don’t buy on the black market!
Admin Notes

Submitted on January 20, 2011
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Subject: Corrections, information
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload: Message:
1. Poster "May 1, 1976" was designed by Shamir Brothers, NOT by Raffi Etgar
2.Poster "Don't Buy on the Black Market" was designed by Shamir Brothers
3. See Reaserch in Progress, line 2, third from left: "Rationing Assuresood for All"' Designed by Shamir Brothers, 1950
4/ See Research in Progress, line 4, second from left: Thisis Half a poster. The other half is in Ghamir Collection at the Zionist Centeral Archive, poster No. 105. The text of the entire poster is: "50 years of the passing away of Theodor Herzl. Work provides us with food, dignity and freedom". Designed by Shamir Brothers, 1954

Subject: Poster
Date: April 4, 2010 11:14:54 PM EDT
To: liberation@igc.org

Don’t give a helping hand to the hand that is raised against you!

Don’t buy on the black market!