Curator's note: The Jewish National Fund poster on the far left, which has had its lower section removed/covered, reads: "Solidarity with Eretz Israel - Keep the doors of Palestine open"
The entire original poster may be viewed here
Jewish refugees hold up signs in German during an electoral campaign for an unidentified Zionist representative body.
Location: Shanghai, [Kiangsu] China
Photographer: Eric Goldstaub
[Photograph #26329]
Source: USHMM
Jewish refugees hold up signs in German during an electoral campaign for an unidentified Zionist representative body. [Photograph #26329] Quantity: Type: Date: 1945 Locale: Shanghai, [Kiangsu] China Photographer: Eric Goldstaub Credit: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Eric Goldstaub Copyright: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Jewish refugees hold up signs in German during an electoral campaign for an unidentified Zionist representative body.