Doors of Palestine Open

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Curator's note: The Jewish National Fund poster on the far left, which has had its lower section removed/covered, reads: "Solidarity with Eretz Israel - Keep the doors of Palestine open"

The entire original poster may be viewed here

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Jewish refugees hold up signs in German during an electoral campaign for an unidentified Zionist representative body.

Location: Shanghai, [Kiangsu] China

Photographer: Eric Goldstaub

[Photograph #26329]

Source: USHMM

Admin Notes

Jewish refugees hold up signs in German during an electoral campaign for an unidentified Zionist representative body. [Photograph #26329] Quantity: Type: Date: 1945 Locale: Shanghai, [Kiangsu] China Photographer: Eric Goldstaub Credit: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Eric Goldstaub Copyright: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Jewish refugees hold up signs in German during an electoral campaign for an unidentified Zionist representative body.