Date: 1974
Size: 18,75 x 23
Notes: Poster
Artist: Villeneuve, Arthur
About The Poster: Arthur Villeneuve (1910-1990) was a Quebec artiste who had an illustrous career and who was named Officer of the Order of Canadain 1972. Villeneuve is best remembered, however, for the the house he purchased in Montreal which he covered in paintings hafter having a revelation of his artistic drive in 1946. Wikipedia writes:
"This sudden urgency on Arthur's behalf to become an artist was attributed by him to a revelation he had in 1946. This decisive moment occurred during the homily at Sunday mass, in which the priest quoted from a letter of Pope Pius XII. The purpose of the letter was to exhort the faithful to make full use of their talents.[2] Arthur believed that he had, until then, left his artistic ability untouched, and returned home to set about developing his gift.
Arthur began painting frescoes on the outside of his house in April, 1957. Still working as a barber, he painted 100 hours per week for 23 months, until he had covered the front facade, the rear, all the interior walls and ceilings, and even the windows of his house."
This house, which was declared a Cultural heritage site in 1994, is preserved and displayed at Chicoutimi's La Pulperie.
This poster truly translates the joy of painting which Villeneuve discovered in himself. The image is a rendering of Israel as he saw it on a trip he did before painting this image in 1974. (As the poster states in French at the bottom). The poster is rare and in good condition. Please ask to see more photos!