El Funoun - Redman - 1

Admin Notes

P1030665 DWPO.2009.095 El Funoun Redman Dina Palestine El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe Palestine 2009 48.3 x 34.5 Dance, folk art, el funoun, heritage Six dancers dressed in traditional costume with an old city and agriculture background , text above El Funoun/ The Palestinian/ Popular Dance Troupe [UL, in English, same text in Arabic in UR]/ Dina Redman [center-right]/. فرقة الفنون\ الشعبية الفلسطينية\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh

Begin forwarded message: From: Dan Walsh Date: September 10, 2011 11:27:06 AM EDT To: Dina Redman Subject: Dear Miss Silly Head... ..."moved out of the art world"... I didn't know one could DO that. Hmmmm.... But a web site is not just for the art you are doing today (you SHOULD be doing art today) but also to catalog your solidarity. See? Q: Did you do like ten thousand posters/murals over the years...Nica, Palestine, South Africa...? If yes, then those should be cataloged. Not to boost your fame (you are already famous for your beauty and intelligence) but as a way of documenting that those peoples had friends and comrades everywhere who spoke up and were never alone. OK....that is the end of my rap. Dan On Sep 10, 2011, at 11:10 AM, Dina Redman wrote: Hello Dan, This is also mine, although it's an extraordinarily yellow copy. I believe that the year was 1990. And thank you for the offer to link but I don't actually have a website as after coming back from the West Bank I moved out of the art world and into social work practice and teaching. But I always appreciate being in touch with the art creation process! This is the contact info for El-Funoun: El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe P.O.Box: 4145, El-Bireh, Palestine Tel: (+970) 2 240-2853 Fax: (+970) 2 240-2851 Email:info@el-funoun.org Contact Person: Khaled Katamesh - Director Hope that this helps! Best wishes, Dina On 9/9/2011 4:31 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/el-funoun-the-palestinian-p... Hi Dina, Its your week to get email from me! 1) I will eventually get a studio quality jpeg 2) Do you recall the year? 3) Do you have a web site? If yes, I am happy to include it. Also, do you have any good links for El Funoun? in solidarity, Dan