Eli Valley Exhibit - NYC

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From: Eli Valley
Date: August 28, 2010 1:32:18 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: check it out...dan

Hi Dan - Sorry for the delay again! So yes, you got the tags right on the two pages. They were separate and unrelated events, and both were from 2010. NYC was just some performance/arts night some guys contacted me about; Vienna was part of the "Salon Vienna" Jewish salons series:
The Vienna show was an anti-racism event on the topic of "Inclusion and Exclusion." I was surprised but happy they chose to include my work...

Printing was paid by the respective groups -- the two guys who produced the show in NYC, and Salons Vienna for the Vienna show. The latter also included "Vader: Half Jew" in the publication they put out. It was broadsheet, like a newspaper, but unfortunately they couldn't afford more than xerox style printing of it.

Thanks, I understand and respect the distinction re. aloofness vs. participation. I still need to find out about printing services that will handle the shipping for me but will preserve some sort of "limited print run" type of style. I don't know if that exists; in the meantime I should get my act together with general copy prints, via an online poster printing service, just for people who want to have large copies. On that note, I'd also like to make Stuart the Turtle t-shirts, etc.!


On Aug 4, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

PS: I'm not asking you to fill this doc out ... rather I send it so you can see what makes a page/site/gallery useful as a curriculum adn as a research/archival tool. I am planning to have it set up as a hot page at the PPPA submit a poster location.

Did I get the NYC/Vienna tags right? What years are we talking about?



PS: who was the actual publisher? Who paid for printing, in other words?

I appreciate your offer to send me digital files so I could print out copies. That is very generous of you. However, since I am operating in an ethnographic way setting up the PPPA under the rules of professional and academic "aloofness" I can't actually print out anything. That would make me an "actor"...one who corrupts rather than merely (hopefully harmlessly) observes. I CAN pay for copies like sometimes the youngest and hippest artists are way advanced and do several versions of their work (JPEG; PDF: TIFF: etc.) and then they promote and print out actual posters for exhibits and sales. Those I can buy because I am not printing. See the difference? So if you are ever in an exhibit or show or plan to do print outs yourself, let me know and I will underwrite the costs of printing and shipping me some copies.