The name of the author on the book is David Grossman, one of Israel’s most renowned authors and a vocal peacenik who frequently speaks out against government policies. The typically Tel Aviv-style street is named Marzel, for extremist settler movement leader Baruch Marzel, a disciple of the late Meir Kahane. The tall building in the background is Tel Aviv’s Shalom (Peace) Tower, once the tallest building in Israel.
to sivan
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:
Hi Siwan,
Well I LOVE the Turn RIght series...also the three ministerial posters that were in the Vimeo video.
More importantly however, which posters would YOU like to see up there?
Q: Did you ever make a like feature length comic out of the TR series? I think it has the potential for that.
Q: Do you have any copies of any of your posters? We take copies of posters and place them in Georgetown University and Columbia University and the Library of Congress, etc.
Great work!
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 6:01 AM, sivan hurvitz wrote:
Hi Dan
wich posters would you like to add?
you can see my updated portfolio here:
On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:10 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:
Shalom Siwan,
I'm the archivist for the Palestine Poster Project Archives and we already have one of your posters up:
I just found a video interview of yours - very interesting and I added it to your page - and that led me to your site and I found some more of your posters. Are you good with us adding them to the PPPA?
If yes, would you be so kind as to give us the dates and English translations?
many thanks,
Dan Walsh
sivan hurvitz
4:04 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
Hi Dan
you can put on the site whatever posters you want
in the you will find images of the Turn Right series it better resolution.
there are english texts there and on the behance network page.
the ministerial posters series is called politicians and the environment, the title says "the resource we lack the most is a politician who cares"
each poster explains the wrong-doings of each politician in dealing with environmental issues.
i have some prints left of Turn Right
both projects are from 2010