Enough Tyranny

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Towards a Palestinian "Personal Status Law" based on equality and justice for women(text at bottom) Strengthening the rule of law and the Palestinian women's Right To Access Justice Project Sighting: Near central Post Office, Ramallah, Palestine - June 2012Translation: Courtesy of Yara Odeh
Admin Notes

Seen during PARC lecture tour 2012Dear Ms. Poster Pirate Coordinator

Dan Walsh
10:56 AM (49 minutes ago)

to Yara

Q: Do you know the group?

Q: Can you send me their name/address?

Q: Can you translate this for PPPA?

al irlandi

Yara Odeh yara.odeh@gmail.com
11:44 AM (0 minutes ago)

to me
The group is The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD)

Translation --
Towards a Palestinian "Personal Status Law" based on equality and justice for women.

Last sentence - Strengthening the rule of law and the Palestinian women's right to access justice Project.