Exhibition of Palestinian Children's Drawings (Intro Poster)

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the launching of the Palestinian revolutionAn exhibit of children's drawingsTitle of work: A Palestinian Fighter
Admin Notes

Your posters.....

Dan Walsh

to elhamoshr_70
ya ILham~

VERY nice to hear from you and so glad you are happy to see your posters at the PPPA site.

Are these the posters you are talking about:


I do not think I have any duplicates but if I find some I will write to you and tell you, tayyib?

Q: Does the agency you work for produce any posters?


Dan Walsh, Archivist PPPA

PS: how did you learn about the PPPA?

Elham shr

to me
Thank you for replying soon, yes all those posters are mine , when I was child in Beit aftal assumoud assiciation, i still work at the same institution and we have many painting for children, we are going to make an exhibition in May if you would like to see it, it will contain many paintings for children and adults , and the subject will be about Al Nakba , so if you intereted you can come and see it.

Thank you alot, I wish if I get copy .

Do you speak arabic???
what is your Natinality??
and from where you got these posters??
wish you the best in your work

take good care
Ilham shahrour

Dan Walsh

to Elham
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Elham shr wrote:
Thank you for replying soon, yes all those posters are mine , when I was child in Beit aftal assumoud assiciation, i still work at the same institution and we have many painting for children, we are going to make an exhibition in May if you would like to see it, it will contain many paintings for children and adults , and the subject will be about Al Nakba , so if you intereted you can come and see it.

If you are planning a POSTER exhibit (different from painting) then perhaps we can put it online at the PPPA site? We can discuss this, tayyib?

Thank you alot, I wish if I get copy .

I hear you but I don't have copies. If I find some I will write you, akeed.

Do you speak arabic???

Yes, but I am Irish/American.

what is your Natinality??
and from where you got these posters??

You can read about the history of how/why I got these posters here:


wish you the best in your work

Shokran, ya rafeeqy Ilham!

Elham shr

to me
Thank you friend, wish you more success
good night PPPA Contact Form Submission]

Iham shahrour elhamoshr_70@hotmail.com via cpanel23.teamholistic.com

to me
Submitted on Monday, January 23, 2012 - 20:29
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:

Your name: Iham shahrour
Your e-mail address: elhamoshr_70@hotmail.com
Subject: Those paints are mine
Category: Comments on New Curriculum
Poster Upload:
I feel surprised when I see those posters, I`m Ilham the owner of those posters , I`m now 45 I was between 12 -13 years old when I drew those pictures, I feel happy to see them after all this long time
I wis if I can have the original one or at least the original poster to keep it .
Thanks for publish the posters of mine, I`m now live in Lebanon and work at Beit Atfal Assumoud Association
as a social worker and coordinator for culture projects.
Hope my request find his way toyou
take good care
Ilham shahrour