Extra Selected Jaffa Oranges

Admin Notes

Question about DW article

Dan Walsh 

Aug 10 (2 days ago)


to dw-akademie

Dear Friends,


I am the curator of the below listed site and I am trying to get in touch with Sarah Hofmann the DW journalist who wrote this article:




My questions for Sarah are:


1) The article opens with this sentence:


"Visit Palestine," says the ad, with the word "Palestine" larger than all others, glowing in a yellow that goes well with the oranges above it."


However, I do not see any poster in the article fitting this description. Is this the poster you were referring to:




2) Can you tell me about the attached graphic?


Was it part of an article you wrote? If yes, would you be so kind as to send me the url? Also, do you have a better/bigger jpeg you can share with me?


Many thanks,

Dan Walsh/PPPA



Submitted on Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 17:22
Submitted by anonymous user: [2a02:2f04:a312:b200:fc23:fc8b:1ab9:9db3]
Submitted values are:

Your name: Bronwyn
Your e-mail address: bronwyn.cragg@gmail.com
Hello, I noticed that the PPPA is seeking a better image of this poster:

This image may be seen in higher quality here:

And although not high quality, the graphic, alongside others, can also be
seen here:

I hope this helps!