Extreme Nationalism Is Not Patriotism

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Extreme nationalism is not patriotism Standard of living is not quality of life  
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Yigal Tumarkin - Two posters Against Ariel Sharon, 1981-1982

Yigal Tumarkin - two political posters against Ariel Sharon. Printed while Sharon served as Defense Minister, 1981-1982, before the Lebanon war. Signed in print.
1. Poster from 1981. On the left - photo of a girl behind a barbed-wire fence, with a red arrow pointing at a photo of Ariel Sharon. On the lower part - an inscription "Machane Sheli" and "Extreme nationalism is not patriotism, standard of living is not quality of life" (Hebrew). 69x49.5. Folding marks, stains, tears at margins