Conversation opened. 4 messages. All messages read.
Submitted on Sunday, January 29, 2017 - 22:06
Submitted by anonymous user: []
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Your name: Dwight McWethy
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Hi, I have a poster that you are apparently searching for - Palestine - Eyes
Only For the Homeland -
If you are interested to purchase this, please let me know. I am not
interested in a trade. Thanks.
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Dan Walsh
Sun, Jan 29, 2017, 5:42 PM
to Dwight
Hello Dwight,
Thanks for your interest but these days we are only trading.
Should it happen that PPPA gets some UNESCO grants we may do some selected buying and we will keep you in mind, OK?
May I ask if you would consider taking a cell phone photo of the artists signature? It is located halfway down the woman's arm.
best regards,
Dan Walsh/PPPA
The East is Red - Sales
Mon, Jan 30, 2017, 9:00 AM
to me
Hi Dan,
The name of the artist is Zhu Wei Min. I had searched for info when I got these posters about 10 years ago but was unable to find anything. I've attached a photo of his (her?) signature.
I have one question you might be able to shed some light on - your website puts the date of these in the 1970's, whereas I was told by the dealer I purchased these from that they were from the 1980's, which makes sense considering the turmoil that China was in during the Cultural Revolution ending with Mao's death in 1976 and then the continued upheaval and political uncertainty until Deng finally seized power, but maybe you have some inside info giving the 1970's dating, would be grateful to know.
Attachments area
Dan Walsh
Mon, Jan 30, 2017, 11:49 PM
to The
Hello Dwight,
About site software demands a date in order to process a page/poster at my web site. The software does not care if the date is correct or even rational.
So...many of the dates I put in are just guesses. I have no inside info and usually someone - the artist, a family member or co-worker - writes in and tells me I am wrong and gives me a good date.
So many posters are deliberately not dated so the publishers can use them to celebrate some historical event over and over without ever having dated posters.