Fatah Shall Remain Legitimate

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (black text at top) The twenty-ninth anniversary of the launching of Fatah The launching of the Palestinian revolution (blue text) An armed Fatah shall remain legitimate Until victory and liberation
Admin Notes

Fatah 29th

Help me help you... Inbox x Dan Walsh Mar 17 (1 day ago) to Abdul "As for the second poster in your other email , it is for Mahmoud Khalili." ya rafeeqy, Here is a rule we always follow at the PPPA: ALWAYS ALWAYS send the url/links/web address of whatever poster we are discussing. I know you are trying to help me but the above message is no help. I have NO idea what poster you are talking about and NO idea what email you are talking about. If you have the time, please send me back the email or poster by Mahmoud and I will add his name. If you want to send back an email/message/image DON'T hit "Reply". If you hit reply all the links are lost. Instead, hit "Forward": This will keep all the links and you just have to put in the name/email address. Tayyib? Tadamon, Dan Abdul Muty Abozaid abdabozaid@gmail.com 5:30 PM (1 hour ago) to me Dear Dan, This is the poster that I talked about that is for Mahmoud Khalili: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/the-weapons-of-fatah Thanks,