"It is most unfortunate that Sixty One, a think tank which aspires to lead the peace and human rights camp in Israel, has chosen the path of populism and de-humanization towards Palestinians. According to Sixty One, the release of Palestinian prisoners by Netanyahu shows that:
"[politically he] is being held hostage by people who care more about building a new neighborhood in the territories than about the security of Israeli citizens.
Sixty One drive home their point with great drama, adding: "In other words, you may come home in a coffin, but they [the settlers] will have Samaria".
[Context: Freezing settlement construction was an alternative goodwill gesture proposed by Kerry; Netanyahu chose the release of prisoners]
Israeli Apartheid Week FB page
Dar Laor 12:41 PM (26 minutes ago) to me Hello Dan, I found out some helpful info: The people in charge of the project "61" are 3 guys called Sunny, Nisan and Ido. They are all graphic designers. They have an official website, which is a part of a wider democratic movment: http://sixtyone.co.il And there's the blog, which I find a bit more interesting : http://www.sanny.co.il Here's the contact mail: ido.sany@gmail.com as for the link I sent you it's called "HaPlakat" and it's by a guy named Dan. This is his Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lowensteindan __________________________________ I started translating the "61" posters, it might take a while since there's a lot of text in each poster. would you prefer I'll start in translating the "modern" ones (such as 61) or the ones that are already in the archive? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=687840027909183&set=pb.555898814... The Favorite Children Israel suffers from housing problems? Settlements enjoy a building boom. Parents' School payments increase? The state offers the settlements huge discounts. Poverty in the periphery? The cabinet decides to ease on the isolated settlements. Publication of the national priority areas proves again what everyone knows: the settlements, the government favored sector, continues to celebrate on our expense. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=683982771628242&set=pb.555898814... Grateful to the settlements In the upcoming days, when you hear right wingers everywhere cry against the release of prisoners, it is important you'll remember: the Prime Minister had the choice to release prisoners or temporarily freeze construction in the settlements. Netanyahu knew that the right will not ever agree to stop, even for a moment, the construction of settlements - and therefore set to release more than a hundred prisoners with blood on their hands. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=677597378933448&set=pb.555898814... If you're a settler, you don't pay? A land in the settlement Mevo Horon - 0 tax A land nearby, in the property of Israel - 30,000 NIS tax State Comptroller's report reveals that in most settlements have forgotten to pay taxes on lands, for years now. Oops. While ordinary citizens are being crouched under the increasing housing rate, their brethren in the settlements fixed themselves half a billion off in real estate. We call on the Ministry of Finance to correct the injustice and to collect the tax retroactively, without any further delays. For example, Income tax can cancel the increase parents' payments to subsidize schools or after-school programs for the children of Israel. It's time to mention the settlements that Zionism also includes payment of taxes by law. Call for immediate tax collection. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=665626186797234&set=pb.555898814... For Sale - The Israeli Knesset First hand from the Prime Minister Since the establishment of the state all the strategic decisions - political or economic - were approved by the Knesset. Today, before the vote on the sale of Israeli gas which worth hundreds of billions of dollars, Netanyahu understood he has no majority in the plenum. What did he do? It's simple: he didn't ask the Knesset. In other words - a hijack. The way Netanyahu and the gas corporations see it, the Israeli Knesset, the body elected by the public to represent him, is no more than a bureaucratic burden, which can be bypassed, as long as you're rich and well-connected. __________________________________ As for my paper, i'll translate the cover soon. I'm having some trouble translating the research question - but no worries, i'll find someone to assist me! til next time, Dar Dan Walsh 1:07 PM (0 minutes ago) to Dar Friend Dar, Wow! You ARE real! I am amazed at your energy and commitment. Do you realize that by translating these poster you are making AMERICAN educational history? Its true. Now American students and the general public will be able to take part in the movement/conversation/dissent/revolution that the 61 (plus all the other Hebrew language ones) posters are all about. d I was going to drop you a note about completeness: to be effective and to be able to claim at an anthropological level that the posters are "translated" we must have all the text translated. If we even leave out one letter or word we are open to criticism and worse. I see that you are already aware of this so I think you should do what you are now doing and complete the 61 posters and then move on to the others when you feel you have the time. Suggestion: Do you think Sany, Ido or Dan or Nisan might already HAVE English translations available? Maybe you could ask them since you know them? I already have some of Sany's work up at the PPPA: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/artist/ido-sany-arazi I will begin adding your new text now. TODAH!