Fear of Collapse

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Farsi translation:

(large text)

Fear of collapse

(small text)

The one who stands against Islam and the oppressed people of Palestine is not only the Zionist regime, but also America, France, Germany and England, and Muslims should include this fact in their equations, transactions and analyses and not forget it.

Supreme Leader

(Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)


Image source:



Curator's note: 

This poster depicts: Macron of France holding the flag of Israel in flames; Scholz of the Germany holding a transfusion bottle; Biden of the United States helping a staggered Netanyahu get to his feet and; Sunak of the United Kingdom writing something either in the sand or on the bomb. 

The assertion of the poster is that Israel could not have launched Operation Swords of Iron, Israel's response to Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack on southern Israel, or continue it, without the direct support of these leaders and their governments. DJW