Feudal, Imperialist, and Zionist Repression of the People's Struggle

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Translation courtesy of Wendy Belcher
Admin Notes

for the Amharic poster ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Victoria Sams 
Date: Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 10:45 PM
Subject: Amharic translation
To: Rochelle Davis

Hi Rochelle,

My friend Wendy Belcher sent me this translation of the poster you put up on FB:


Top, the English translation is basically the same as the Amharic title: "The Feudal, Imperialist, and Zionist Repression (except the Amharic word is "Gif', which does not exactly translate as repression) of the Peoples Struggle (not resistance) 101 (last unclear). On the bottom right corner:" Saint Louis, World Wide Ethiopian Student Federation Fund Raising Committee."


Hope to see you on Tuesday!