
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Curator's note: The uppermost woman depicted is thought to be Shadia Abu Ghazaleh; the second woman from top is Dalal Moghrabi; the third woman from top is Taghrid al Batmeh; the portrait at the bottom is possibly that of Rajaa Abu ‘Ammash
Admin Notes

From: Subject: Re: do you know who the other two women are? Dan Date: December 1, 2009 10:30:15 AM EST To: Begin forwarded message: From: Marc Rudin Date: December 1, 2009 10:30:15 AM EST To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: do you know who the other two women are? Dan i realy dont know hug marc Am 01.12.2009 um 04:27 schrieb Dan Walsh:


Dan Walsh 

4:10 PM (1 hour ago)


to j






ya rafeeqaty Jehan,

I hope all is good with you. I just uploaded this edition of the PFLP Bulletin...p.31 has your interview for Int'l. Woman's Day


Q: Can you help us identify the women in this poster?


Mumkin Taghrid Al Batmeh is one of them?








Jehan Helou 

5:52 PM (1 minute ago)


to me






Dear Dan,


What a great work you are doing helping to keep the history of our struggle alive! Many thanks ya rafeeq!

Were you in Beirut before 1982?

It is good to see my interview again as I have part of it only in hard copy only.


Unfortunately, I cannot identify for sure the women in the poster, but I cannot see that the one identified as Leila Khaled it does looks like her and I think they are ‘martyrs’

I think yes she looks like Taghreed al Botmeh but better further affirmation However, I think the picture at the bottom is for Rajaa Abu ‘Ammasha  رجاء أبو عماشة who was a young Palestinian girl living in the West Bank. She was killed by the Jordanian army in 1955 while demonstrating against Baghdad Pact….


Best regards,


Shadia Abu Ghazaleh???


steven wachlin

4:00 PM (2 hours ago)


to me





Yes I sent 8 back covers.
Under a listing of 'Zionist terror' is the following entry in number 41 (Aug. 1980) p.4:
Murder in Bethlehem, June 19th [1980]
22-year old student Taghrid Al Batmeh was shot by a Zionist soldier. (See back cover)