First Armed Action

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Arabic and Italian translation: 

(text at top)

Revolution until victory

(text at bottom)

January 1, 1965 - January 1, 1972 - the seventh anniversary of the first armed action of Al 'Asifah, the armed branch (military wing) of Fatah

With the destruction of the water pumping stations of the Jordan (river) in Ailbon (a small village in the Galilee) the armed struggle begins as the only method to free Palestine from Zionism


Curator's note: According to Hosni Radwan this poster's graphic content is derived from This Is My Path

Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: Giovanna Magnoli Date: April 28, 2010 6:13:42 PM EDT To: Dan Subject: I: R: Poster Palestina Here is E.'email. It seems she is very active and doing a lot of things, just like me!! :) It was kind of her that she replied so quickly! Ciao.. Gio Dearest G. I can’t remember I’ve done that poster, but for sure I have done two additional ones, but I have no copy of them. The first one was the mural magazine that we published together with Trastevere City in 1970-71 in sympathy with the Palestinian cause. For this reason GUPS contacted us and requested us a second poster in color that was pasted on walls. I remember that the text was a poem “ I’m Arabic, the palm of my hand is rock that scratches etc.” I do not exactly remember the author and I do not remember Bruno, but a lot of years have gone since then. I’m still in sympathy with Palestinian people but I have no more contacts, though I still give particular attention to the Arabic world as my book “Rafila” shows; it was edited four years ago and had a relevant success. People are trying now to make a film. I worked and I'm still working as costume designer, painter and writer and you can find everything in my Hoping to be of help, E. ----- Messaggio inoltrato ----- Da: "" A: Inviato: Mer 28 aprile 2010, 18:33:52 Oggetto: R: Poster Palestina Carissima Giovanna, non ricordo di aver realizzato quel poster ma sicuramente ne ho fatti altri due dei quali non ho copia. Il primo era un numero del giornale murale che pubblicavamo su argomenti monografici con la Comune di Trastevere nel 70, 71 per simpatia con la causa palestinese. Per questo fummo contattati dal GUPS che ci commissionò il secondo poster a colori che venne affisso e ricordo che il testo era una poesia "sono arabo, il palmo della mia mano è roccia che graffia ecc." non ricordo l'autore come non ricordo Bruno ma sono passati molti anni. Ancora simpatizzo per il popolo palestinese ma non ho più contatti pur avendo sempre un'attenzione particolare al mondo arabo come testimonia il mio primo romanzo "Rafìla" edito dalla Libreria Dante&Descartes, uscito quattro anni fa con notevole successo e del quale stanno tentando una versione cinematografica. Ho lavorato e lavoro come costumista, pittrice e scrittrice e può trovare tutto sul mio sito Spero di esservi d'aiuto Elisabetta ----Messaggio originale---- Da: Data: 28/04/2010 16.17 A: Ogg: Poster Palestina --> Buongiorno Sig.ra Elisabetta, sono arrivata a Lei grazie all’aiuto della segretaria del Musem für Gestaltung di Zurigo, dove è custodito il Suo poster , del sig.r Bruno Margadant, col quale sono in contatto e che ci ha anche scritto di averLa conosciuta personalmente e infine del sig.r Carboni, che mi ha fornito il Suo indirizzo email. Le scrivo per conto del Sig.r Daniel Walsh, studente della Georgetown University di Washington, che da oltre 30 anni con grande impegno e dedizione colleziona poster sulla Palestina provenienti da tutto il mondo e che da qualche anno ne studia il contesto storico, culturale e sociale con l’intento di creare un vero e proprio piano di studio sulla Palestina per gli studenti della scuola americana. La sua collezione conta oltre 5.000 poster e quasi la metà di essi è già disponibile sul suo sito: In particolare, con riferimento al Suo poster, il Sig.r Walsh gradirebbe ricevere alcune informazioni che lo aiuterebbero a completare/integrare parte dei suoi studi: - Cosa l’ha ispirata a realizzarlo e che origini ha la sua storia? E' stata forse ispirata dall'immagine qui allegata? - Ha per caso ancora delle copie disponibili? - Ha realizzato altri poster sulla Palestina e se si, sarebbe possibile avere eventualmente copia anche di questi? - I poster che ha realizzato, da sola o insieme al sig.r Carboni, appartengono a qualche collezione particolare? - Realizza ancora oggi dei poster sulla Palestina o svolge ancora attività inerenti alla Palestina? - Come è entrata a far parte del GUPS? - Sa chi era il direttore responsabile del GUPS a quel tempo? (basterebbe il nome) - Può dirci in che occasione e perché ha conosciuto il sig.r Magadant? - Sa se c’erano a quei tempi altri artisti italiani/arabi/palestinesi che realizzavano poster? Se sì, è ancora in contatto con qualcuno di loro? E’ possibile conoscere/mettersi in contatto con queste persone? - Lei è un’artista professionista? Ha un Suo sito web? - Qual’era l’atteggiamento dei Palestinesi riguardo i poster? E degli Italiani? - Il/i suo/i posters è/sono stato/i affisso/i in giro, per le strade, sui muri? - Sa quante copie ne sono state stampate? - Ha un archivio Suo personale di poster sulla Palestina? Se sì sarebbe possibile avere le foto in formato jpegs? - Conosce qualcuno o può indirizzarci Lei da qualcuno che detiene un archivio di poster sulla Palesina? Spero di non arrecarLe troppo disturbo con tutte queste domande, ma sa, Il sig.r Walsh è una persona straordinaria, che merita di essere aiutata e gli do volentieri una mano ogni volta che posso, soprattutto per una causa così importante. La ringrazio quindi anticipatamente e resto in attesa di Sua risposta. Cordiali saluti, Giovanna¤trecord=1&page=search&profile=objectsde&searchdesc=palestine&quicksearch=palestine&sessionid=0F00BD8B-FAD6-42DA-9648-867DE534586D&action=quicksearch&style=single¤trecord=2

Museum of Desigh Zurich

exactly, I think the artist of this poster took the drawing from the early al fateh poster witch don by Nadher Nabaa, 1968 was in back&white,

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dan Walsh Date: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:59 AM Subject: I just found this is so beautiful...don't you think? Dan To: hosni radwan , amer shomali , Khaled hourani , Suleiman Mansour ,, Hafez Omar , Nidal El-khairy

From: Subject: AW: AW: Thanks, yes...may I ask further... Date: March 31, 2010 6:08:55 AM EDT To:

Dear Dan No, naturally it's important to share informations and it's the most interesting thing to do. There is only a lack of time, always the same problem... On the backside of the Carboni-Poster is written her full name and the date: 1972. I think again, it's written by Margadant. Also, it's the typical style of all her posters. I don't know exactly if Margadant has met her, but it's quite possible. He has collected the posters over a long time and with an own personal interest and engagement. He has travalled a lot around the world an he knows a lot of artists and graphic designers. I only have arrived in the collection when the exhibition with his posters have been organized (1998). I think that he has done interviews and naturally before buying the collection, the museum (Martin Heller at this time)has spoken a lot with him. Margadant has also edited the catalogue for the exhibition: "Hoffnung und Widerstand, Das 20. Jahrhundert im Plakat der internationalen Arbeiter- und Friedensbewegung". You should have it. There, you also can find the Matta-Poster with a small text by Herbert Read about Roberto Sebastian Matta. All the small textes to the posters have been selected by B. Margadant. Perhaps, I will find the courage to phone him during the next months. I have to find a good moment because I'm a little bit afraid that he is not quite well and I have not been in contact with him for a very long time. Let us see! Here are two articles (in german) about him, perhaps you can translate them?: Best, bettina -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Dan Walsh [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2010 11:43 An: Richter Bettina Betreff: Re: AW: Thanks, yes...may I ask further... Hello Again, I hope you will not get bothered or annoyed with all these questions. If it is a headache for you please say so and I will stop. BUT...I want you to know that your answers help me a lot especially since I am looking to validate my research beyond the level of mere aesthetics and onto the world of anthropology...which requires lots of deep questions and even deeper answers. So..if Carboni did not sign any of her do we actually KNOW she created them? Do you know if Margadant got the posters DIRECTLY from Carboni? When he gave the posters to the Museum did he also give maybe records or interviews about how he collected the posters? You said you don't have a "mail" address for him: did you mean to say "email"? Last question, would you consider calling his number and learning if an email address is available? He does not know me from Adam and I don't know if he speaks English (my French is terrible) It would be lovely to be able to write to him about his posters. I am so grateful to you for your patience and generosity. Thanks, Dan On Mar 31, 2010, at 5:10 AM, wrote: Dear Dan There is no signature on the Carboni poster. She never has signed her posters! We have some others from her in the collection, all without a signature. On the Matta-poster there is a very small signature in the corner of the poster, with pencil, only written "Matta". I'm not sure if it is from Matta himself... Margadant should be around. I didn't see him for a long time. I don't know nothing about his state of health. He has 81 years now. His address is: Bruno Margadant Burggraben 26 9000 St. Gallen 071 223 69 93 I don't have a mail address of him! (and you are also working at every time!!!!) Best wishes, Bettina -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Dan Walsh [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2010 09:52 An: Richter Bettina Betreff: Thanks, yes...may I ask further... Good Morning Bettina (it is 3:48am here!) Thanks for this. It is useful, of course. Q: Where on the Carboni poster is her signature? Or is it signed anywhere? I THOUGHT the small vertical type was going to be her signature. it signed anywhere? Q: Same for the there NO signature on the poster itself? Q: Is Margadant around? Thanks, Dan On Mar 31, 2010, at 3:34 AM, wrote: Dear Dan On the poster of E. Carboni is written: "Esente da bollo Stampa E.L.C. - Roma", so it's just the name of the printng house. Esente da bollo means a kind of tax to put teh poster in the streets. The other poster of Matta: on the backside of the poster it's written only the name "Matta", I think by Margadant. A stilistic analysis with the work of Roberto Sebastian Matta must have lead to him. Is that ok for the moment? Best wishes, Bettina -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Dan Walsh [] Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. März 2010 21:44 An: Richter Bettina Betreff: Note from Dan Walsh... Hello Bettina, Since the number of artists producing Palestine posters seems to be increasing (as opposed to all other genres of political poster art, which are disappearing) I would like to suggest to them that they donate copies of their works to the Museum of Design Zurich for inclusion in its holdings. Is this something you would welcome? I have already mentioned this to a group of artists working in Lebanon, called Jamaa al Yad (The Raised Fist Collective) and you should be hearing from them soon. Their works are very important and I already have them at the PPPA site if you care to review them: jama a-al-yad I will not recommend to any more artists/collectives to contact you until I hear back from you. The other item was to ask you: 1) How do we know that the above poster "Auschwitz-Palestine" is by Sebastian Matta, of Chile? Is there a signature on the poster? If there is, may I ask you to shoot a digital macro shot of it for me? 2) Regarding the above poster by Elisabetta Carboni...would it be possible for you to shoot a digital macro shot of the text running vertically up the side of the poster on the left in the yellow field? al- assifa Best regards. Dan

Begin forwarded message: From: "" Date: September 10, 2010 12:40:54 PM EDT To: Subject: R: Dearest Elisabetta...please be tender to a pathetic graduate student...OK? Reply-To: "" Dear, it is impossible for me now to be so cruel and don't give you an aswer. Than...At the end of the seventies i has been living in a big house in Rome with a group called La Comune di Trastevere. The members were eigth-ten young people, artist and musician, italian and south american. We worked together in different cultural projects about the third world fights. I am a painter so I did take part to the graphic group and we produced some posters, original mix of images and short scripts to make the public know the battle of different people, chinese, south american, african, palestinian... We produced the posters, we print it and we sold it in the street. So it happen than the palestinian student in Italy, members of GUPS got in touch with us when we did sell our poster during a demonstration and asked if I could make some posters for them and I did a couple. It is anough? By by Elisabetta ----Messaggio originale---- Da: Data: 08/09/2010 18.11 A: Ogg: Dearest Elisabetta...please be tender to a pathetic graduate student... OK? Dear Elisabetta, If I were to stand beneath your window and sing songs to your beauty, grace, creativity and courage...then would you answer my research questions about your Palestine posters? If I were to send sumptuous bouquets of rare and fragrant flowers to your studio every day...then would you grant me the opportunity to ask you questions about how, why, where and when you did the Palestine posters you created in the 70's? If the Palestinian ambassadors in Rome and Washington: Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat PLO Representative to the United States Tel:(202)974-6360 Palestinian General Delegation Ambassador Mr. Nimer Hammad Address: Piazza San Giovanni In Laterano, 72 Rome, Italy 00184 Tel: 396-7005041/7008791 Fax: 396-7005115 were to call you confirming that I am a serious researcher and that the work you did on Palestine is of great importance to the effort to salvage/save the poster art of Palestine....then would you maybe consider granting me some minutes to discuss your work? I actually CAN have the ambassadors call...its true. there any hope for this? I am writing my thesis now and to be able to ask you some detailed questions would be a gift not only to me...but to Palestine as well. Hoping you are in a generous (and patient) mood, Dan Walsh
