First Battle

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

The First Battle - a children's book in Chinese celebrating a Palestinian child guerrilla, his name rendered in Chinese as Shibuli.

The story begins, "The Israeli Zionists had occupied Shibuli's native land. The 13-year-old Shibuli set his sights on joining a guerrilla band, and destroying the invaders."

After resisting an attempt by the Israelis to recruit him as a spy, he makes his way across the Jordan River and participates in several bloody attacks.

In the early 1970s there was a wave of Chinese children's books of this nature, celebrating child soldiers in various revolutionary movements around the world. The first page has a quote from Mao' stating that the day is coming soon when all the world's invaders and their running dogs will be buried.

Source: YaHala Studio Archive

