Flag of Resistance

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (text at very top) The ending of the resistance means ending to the Arab nation (text in middle) Participate in the week of the September Martyrs to support the resistance (text at bottom) Help keep the flag of resistance flying high
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About this Item

50 x 35 cm, black and red on white paper / noir et rouge sur papier blanc. Horizontal crease, vertical crease, staple holes to corners, 1 cm tear and glue trace to bottom edge, small part missing and brown trace to left edge, else near fine (dark traces on photo are shadows) / Pli horizontal et pli vertical, trous d agrafe aux coins, déchirure d un cm et trace de colle au bord inférieur, petit manque et trace brune au bord gauche, sinon très bon état (les traces sombres sur la photo sont des ombres). EXTREMELY SCARCE / EXTRÊMEMENT RARE. / Palestine (P210). Seller Inventory # 18953


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